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Why Work With Me?

the meaning

Carpe Diem ˌkärpā ˈdēˌem

Carpe Diem is a Latin term that means to “seize the day.”  At Carpe Diem Coaching we help you navigate the journey of grief, one day at a time, fully supported as you step into your new life with hope, growth and healing.

The Symbolism of Dandelions

In cultures around the world, the dandelion is a symbol of hope, growth and healing. 

Known for their ability to thrive in challenging conditions, pushing through concrete and returning year after year, dandelions are a powerful symbol of strength, determination, and the ability to overcome adversity.

Symbolically, dandelions represent the rebirth of life, a beautiful resilience, and persistent growth despite the harshest of circumstances.

You, like the dandelion, are resilient. Not only can you persevere through your grief, you can truly flourish in your life after loss.  With coaching and personalized support you will have the tools to make this your reality.

What is Grief Coaching?

Grief Coaching is an opportunity for us to work together to move you forward from where you are to where you want to be.  One-on-one grief coaching provides you with a personalized support in a compassionate and confidential space. You will receive the support, guidance and tools you need to navigate the rocky terrain of your unique grief and most urgent challenges.

Why Invest in One-on-One Grief Coaching?

Working one-on-one with a coach offers life-changing benefits. Imagine how your life will be when you:
  • Feel less exhausted, less “stuck” in your grief
  • Support and confidence in making daily decisions when your brain is truly “foggy”
  • Discover clarity and peace on what is truly essential in the midst of all the “to do” lists and thoughts running through your brain
  • Gain a structured plan for healing
  • Learn selfcare methods and how to compassionately support yourself during grief’s ebbs and flows
  • Increase your self-confidence as you learn new ways to help manage your thoughts and feelings
  • Become less self-critical, and lessen comparing your loss to other people’s losses
  • Understand better why you are feeling anxious, and learn ways to calm your anxiety
  • Understand, and have more self-compassion for, why you feel angry, guilty, or relieved
  • Learn tools to begin to release your anger, your guilt, and your old wounds to enable yourself to be more confident that you can support yourself whatever comes your way

How do you decide if grief coaching with me is right for you?

During our call we will discuss:
  • What is most urgent and challenging for you in your grief
  • Coaching options to support your healing
  • Whether or not we are a good match for grief coaching
  • Next steps.

When you say yes to a coaching partnership, you receive immediate support. Together, we can work toward easing your suffering and enable you to embark on your path of hope, growth and healing.

Working with a coach to guide you through this season will save you time, money, and unnecessary suffering. It is an investment in yourself, with life-changing value and powerful benefits. There is no greater gift than to have someone with you when you feel so very alone and uncertain.

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