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Build a Life After Loss

Weekly one-to-one sessions via Zoom with a specially created workbook

Loss is a major part of our lives

and yet few people know how to handle it or what to do when loss occurs.

Unfortunately, common misunderstanding around grief instructs people to wait it out because of the mistaken belief that “time heals all wounds.” This idea only creates more pain. Most of us know from experience that this isn’t true. Time alone doesn’t heal us.  

Other common misleading and unhelpful messages

that people hear are “just get over it” or “learn to carry the pain forever.” These messages are also unhelpful and even harmful.

Through my grief experiences,

I’ve learned firsthand that time isn’t all we need to feel better. Deciding to “just get over it” doesn’t work either. Learning to carry the pain forever is no solution at all.

People NEED steps,

understanding, and guidance. When people grieve, their support needs to be greater than their challenges. As a coach trained in grief healing, I can be a POWERFUL influence for good in the lives of those I coach.

Through my personal experiences and my extensive study on the topic of loss and grief, I’ve been trained in the HOPE Model of Healing and the 5 Foundations of Growth.

This is the framework of this specific method of grief coaching, and how I can lead people effectively down a path to healing. I’ve successfully coached people on how to accept themselves where they are, grow their hope, and move through the pain of loss in a gentle, healthy, and doable way.  

People are astonished by the progress they can make by following this program in a few short months versus years and years of suffering.  

Clients who have been mired in grief for years start to shift in powerful ways in a matter of days and weeks through the process, tools, and principles of this program. 

HOPE Model of Healing

HOPE offers a pathway to healing and leads to transformation

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